Friday, June 21, 2013

Attitude: Mind over matter? Over heart?

Attitude is everything. You are not always in control of what happens to you, but you are always in control of how you respond. Your attitude is the only thing you get to control 100% of the time. The Bible uses the word mind to describe your attitude more often than it uses the actual word attitude. However, what you think about leads to actions and those actions lead to habits. Your habits develop your character and your character develops your future. It all starts with your attitude and your mind.   (This is an excerpt from the YouVersion bible reading plan: Attitude)

Always be POSITIVE no matter how drown you maybe or how broken and tired you are coz at the end of time when the beep sounds it is over, IT is ALWAYS good to know that YOU have done and given your very best to survive a lifetime. Always and always remember especially in times of hardships to always know that GOD never abandons HIS children. And always remember to give thanks and Praise Him in times of good tidings yet even in trying moments. Don't be stupid like many others that only knows God when they are hurts the most and when all is fine they tend to forget HIM. As the verse says: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Therefore, no reserves. God is the very VIP in our lives and deserves well enough of our very first class attentions and showmanship of gratitudes. And that's been said, He commands us to LOVE our neighbours as we love ourself.

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